User Reviews For: The Moon and the Wolf


Just for the first story (shown on the cover) I have to give it 5 stars. I wish the whole book had been this couple. I just love those types of stories. The other stories were fine too but I just loved that one so much I have been rereading it over and over.

A great story with hot scenes but fluffy moments too! It's soft in the right places and sexy when needed! A gem!!

Great story! Very soft and sexy. Wish it a whole book over the first couple but the plant short story was hot too.

I thought the Story would be pure fluff, which it isn't but I liked it nonetheless

It was good! Really disappointed that Woo didn't have a tail. The lack of tail was super distracting during sex scenes. But man were those sex scenes intense!

Human ??? and his neighbor Wolfling ??? are separated by language and background. ??? learns the wolf language from ???. Despite Woo's big frame, he is truly a softie in him who dotes and worries about ??? all the time.Noda sensei loves her multiple collections of stories in the books and they are really lovely. I enjoyed all unique stories that leaves a impact!

One of my favorites!!! This is an anthology : there are 3 stories in there, 2 of which are more developed and one that's more like a short. The 2 longer stories are so romantic and sweet and I have reread them over and over again. The plant one (shorter) is ok and interesting but not really to my taste. Genuinely worth buying and keeping just for the two longer works :) I also love the art style

Really sweet and heartwarming story. Would love to know more about them, the world's backstory and the different races. Still very sweet and definitely a good read. Not to mention very good in the 'fun' parts.

You really can't help, but fall in love with both of the stories characters. They are cute, funny, and hot. All the good quality that make a good M/M.