User Reviews For: Love at First Bite


This is such a cute & wholesome while being super smutty at the same time. It's extremely fluffy and funny to read. Probably one of my favorites bls now!!!! I purchased the unlimited one right away after reading the preview. I greatly recommend it!!!!!!

It was a good read, but the constant ILY got old too fast for me; the word lost its meaning nearing the end there. It didn't feel sincere anymore the more they said it after they became lovers. I kinda felt bad for Nagizuka though; I can't even think of a reason to really hate him.

This was so fluffy and hot! I love how consensual and safe they were. Also, that extra story was HOT.

This mangaka an this manga are now one of my favourites in my hole life. You MUST read it, they're so adorable, this is my romantic relationship fantasy ?

This was a pleasant surprise. I wish we could have known more about Shiro and his demon side. Overall this was a great read.

Love it! Art is gorgeous and I love how much they love each other and how confident they are in their love! The demon only stays a child for a couple panels so there's nothing creepy or unsettling there :) Very fluffy and I fell in love with these characters!

I purchased this because of the cover and stayed for an oddly wholesome story. I laughed at some parts that were probably meant to be flirty, but it was an overall nice read. Makoto was honestly a really refreshing character to me and actually confirmed his feelings with Shiro, instead of trying to be roundabout about it.The art was very nice to look at as well! It made the lewder scenes even more visually appealing! I do feel kind of bad for Makoto's friend at the end though lol, but hopefully somewhere along the line he can find someone for himself. Maybe a demon who feeds off of his words too...who knows.Overall, it was a fun read and not bad for what I paid for it. The plot's interesting and borderline ridiculous, and the characters play off of each other pretty well so it works somehow:)