User Reviews For: Playboy Beast


4.8 out of 5

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SadAsian Rating
I love the art and I like where the story is going. I can't wait for more!
kikyo Rating
Yummy can I read more ? I'm excited to find out what happens next. The nurse is a very interesting touch her and her shady ways .
bw87 Rating
Love the progression between the two characters and the art is just so beautiful! Can't wait for future installments!
dawniearthurs Rating
I love the art, the story is amusing. I need more. Wish I could get updates everyday!!! One of my favorite series.
BeanSoupGoblin Rating
This is the good stuff QwQ
vanlee84 Rating
Perfection! I love the art and the story. The tails intertwined was too cute!!
marcydarcy83 Rating
It would great to have more of then having babies together
MandixxMay Rating
This is one of my favorite Mangas I've had the pleasure of coming across on this site ! I highly recommend it! The only complaint is that its too short haha
Maryyy1212 Rating
Amazing characters and story??? I look forward to the next chapter
CoffeeKisses Rating
This manga is definitely one of my favorites! The art is amazing and full of lovely details (like the interwined tails), there is some nice character development and the chemistry between them is awesome. The author creates a perfect balance between smut and intimacy, something not so easy to find. I'd love to see more of them and how their relationship developes.