User Reviews For: Don't Beg Me, Don't Kiss Me


Oh whoa!!!! Yessssss!!!! Whatever this is I want more of it!!! Art is super pretty. Characters are very interesting and believable in their environment. Both have very interesting quirks about what gets them “off” so to say. I'm completely invested with this y'all. It's funny! It's fast paced and I really like both leads. Like another reviewer mentioned about consent towards the end, I totally agree. Can't wait for more!!

It gets a bit dub-consent-y at the end, because the character's reaction to being kissed is very intense, but there is no malicious intent involved.All in all, I am interested to see how the dynamic between the leads plays out, and the art style is very clean and charming.

This so good. The art is amazing. I liked how they both found each other. Didnt like the part where Kasumi forced himself on Secihi. The part I liked the most is the kissing scenes, boy that was so HOT ?

Crying Uke is so damn gorgeous and sexy at the same time. The art and story is amazing both of them have their own trauma to face yet fate brought both of them together.It's such a wholesome read!!