User Reviews For: Sweetheart Trigger 3


Awwww Cole and Alex are growing up. Graduating college and going into the workforce and still staying madly in love. But of course things can never be simple with this couple. Alex's big announcement doesn't seem to go so well, but it's honestly not what I was expecting lol. So hats off for keeping me guessing.

I started out this series expecting the worst from all the reviews on the first part. I don't know what they were talking about. I am SO invested in Cole and Alex. Like if anyone messes with them, I will have some words. I hope it works out for them or my heart will honestly break. I know their relationship isn't the healthiest, but it is beautiful in its own way.

Honestly these two are just terrible together and Cole is the worst. But here I am, on series 3 still invested to see what crazy Cole will pull next. I guess I'm just s glutton for punishment.

I can't wait for more updates. Love this series and all the other series from this mangaka??? story and art always great !

So happy this is finally getting translated!!!! Thank you! Please support the artist... Looking forward to this volume, so far I love it :)

Excellent series that leaves you seeing things a little bit differently. The relationship between the two main characters is not easy, but you understand both why they are together and why they keep hurting each other. There's a lot of sex but - how should I say without being too crude - not of the 'stimulating' kind included for fan service; it's there because it has been established as the main way of connecting for the MC, and many times it is bittersweet precisely because it is too meaningful, seeing as it serves to express the love they have for each other in the absence of other ways of successful communication. I love Cole's character as a twink uke who is sensitive yet surprisingly tough.children out there, heed the R18 warning. Return back to read this great story after you've loved and lost a couple of times.

It's awesome seeing them dealing with their daily struggles. They've got matured through the years. Pretty nice story.

Sweetheart Trigger is such a wild ride from start to finish, and I'm so delighted with it. Alex and Cole are such a mess, but I wish them the best...! Absolutely loved it.

Some may feel uncomfortable due to how the MC is always threatening to off himself or off his new dating partner because of insecurity. Still, I would recommend it!!TW: suicide, threats, blood,A need to read the 1st series, 2nd, and 3rd!! I recommend people to hang on till the end of the series!