User Reviews For: He Rewards Me With Love And Affection -His Puppy-Like Adoration Makes Me Melt-


Oh wow!!! Keito is so cute!!!!!!!! I love his puppy dog enthusiasm and how eager he is to please Umeno. When Umeno was 16 she befriended a cute little 11 yo Keito and they grew super close like siblings. Only with no word Keito disappeared from her life. 8 years later he's back!!! Still cute, but no longer a little boy. He's all man now, who is famous and definitely seems experienced. The art is gorgeous and the characters are adorable. Hopefully we get to see where he went and where they're going.

Without spoiling the story, it did seem rushed and the ML started their first "encounter" abruptly and without seeing if the FL was okay with it.

Cute story and beautiful art. I don't like age gap stories but the art pulled me in.