User Reviews For: The Beast Next Door Is An Animal In Bed! -My Scary Neighbor Is Kinda Hot!-


I'm loving this one so far. An intimidating-looking guy who has a severe case of RBF but is actually super sweet? Count me in!

Five stars just because I love mean mug grump grumps soooooo much!!!! Tatsuji is just a big ball of nerves around cutie Mugi, the girl he's been secretly in love with who just happens to be his next door neighbor and fellow cat lover. It's cute. Not really anything special or a real story but it's still good. Kinda curious what will take place once the deed is done?

I was expecting this series to be bad, but it is actually soooo wholesome. I bought and read everything in one sitting.

Only read the first chapter(only one our) but this is really my taste. I love scary looking big men who are actually sweet hearts. It gets to the action fast but ends in the middle of their first heated moment. I can't wait for more.

The beginning was great, I loved how the guy was so beefy and intimidating but such a softie at heart. My only issue is it's feeling a little too long now. The story is dragging and becoming less interesting. But the start was really enjoyable and entertaining, and some of the characters are really good