User Reviews For: Kuroe And The Garden Of Feminine Pleasures


4.7 out of 5

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Mire97 Rating
Give me more OMG. This is awesome and something i didn't know i wanted till now. Hell yes give me more please.
Mrsmangame123 Rating
OMG!!! I'm freakin crying here!! Just finished the whole series and lemme tell you ch. 6 just pulls the rug from under you!! It does a whole 180 and shifts from a dark, twisted and gloomy ambiance to sunshine and rainbows and sweet sweet promises of a happy future. Both Sonogi and Kuroe were drifting along in this world. Both had no clue about what the other went through and their relationship started off very quickly and wasn't romantic at all!! But they were able to truly understand each other and care and hope for something better. It's a dark story but I think the journey these two take slowly shows that these two lost souls were fated for one another. Life just likes to throw in lots of roadblocks. Their connection was just so precious!!!
misamatsu Rating
with all the new BL trend of guys become a girl or have a females part that I hate because it looks like I'm just reading smutt/ hentai but I actually enjoyed this one a lot. It still feel like a BL
animepie Rating
Wthhh. That ending actually got me feeling all kinds of emotional. This was really a tense kind of rollercoaster. If you've read this author's other works, you probably know what you're getting into. Dubcon/noncon, high levels of psychosis, yandere. Weirdly comedic at times. Kuroe just had my mental red alert alarms blaring the entire time. And Sono is way too merciful but he is a sweetheart. Honestly I want to see more of these two just to see what they end up doing after.
gustavbel Rating
The atmosphere is pretty on-brand for this author, if you've read their other work; there's kind of a general lighthearted air. It wasn't bad but the deeper parts fell flat for me, they seemed a little too silly to take seriously. Some seriously nasty dirty talk, if you're into that.
pastafan Rating
Too cute!
Eve Rating
Mah hart mah sole! For real though that was a feels good read.
ebookrenta0rd36hxst Rating
Super cute and adorable!! Really love the story~ I am so happy they got together in the end hehe ?? To think that the seme (Kuroe) knew Sonogi way before he was born ? I love it! Hope there is a season 2!! Or a sequel ~
ChattyK2125 Rating
A bit strange theme but I really love how Kuroe fell for Sonogi and he for Kuroe. The best part was at the end when Kuroe said how he wanted to be a family with the offer of so many material things. Sonogi said she wanted none of that but just a family. So after all their extremely perverted experiences, they found love...true love. As crazy as it was, I was really drawn to this one. I do recommend it highly!
bryaness Rating
So sexy as always