User Reviews For: The Foxy Mouse's Romance


Wahh i've seen this title around here a lot but only got to reading it tonight and it's so good!! Such a good story with some funny parts as well, glad I decided to read it. Also ended up liking tomo a lot more than i thought i would, wish there was a spin-off for him lol

This comic will send you for a ride. Makes your want to find out more and more of their relationship. It's cute. Sweet. And scary all at once. Prey and predator

The spin on sub-genders including animals was written so well. I love the dynamic between fox and mouse & Ukano's facial expressions are 10/10!

I loved this manga so much!! It's erotic and sweet, and there is consent when sexy things happen!! I love omegaverse and I love animal ears/tails so altogether this was amazing! I wish there were more chapters but this is one of my new favorites!

UWAHHH THIS IS SO CUTE ??<3333 and I laughed at all the chapters, ukano-San is so cunning but caring too , I'm so glad I bought this!! And it's slightly different than the typical a/b/o story in my opinion, with a rly interesting character dynamic too!! I wish it was longer and even had more angst but I'm rly happy with this comic, thank you!!<33

I love this story. Time after time I find myself picking up this series and rereading it again. The dynamic between them always got me laughing and wanting more. Totally worth getting.

This story is too cute! The art is amazing, the story amazing! The consent ?? is amazing!! Anyway I can't believe that's the end I want more. I'll be waiting for this author's future works!

super cute and good story! enjoyed the art style and wonderful steamy scenes..i love these characters and hope for more from this author