User Reviews For: Can I show you my whole self? -A second chance at true love starts with body


Usually I don't write reviews after only one chapter because I like to give the manga a chance to develop, but I felt like I should this time. The art is nice and the premise is decent, though pretty basic as far as shojo goes. The big reason I'm giving this only 3 stars is the translation. There's a number of errors in the translation that are very distracting, at least for me, because of how obvious they are - missing letters, missing words, words that got shoved together. There's also some dialogue I think should've been made more localized because it just doesn't feel natural. I'm hoping some of this clears up in the coming chapters, but we'll see! If you're not as sensitive to those things as me, you'll enjoy this! XD

Gawd I'm a sucker for pretty art and prettier boys!!! Well This guy is all man. Tama is the cute and spunky girl with little to no confidence, but a lot of heart. And Shiba (was it? Lol) has definitely taken notice. Most likely since their first encounter in high school. I love the pacing of this. There was a major cringe moment towards the middle but was saved by Shiba. It gets pretty steamy but our girl will hopefully make him work a bit harder? Or not. I don't care. They're cute together and I ship hard!

Only a few chapters in, but this is a great series so far. The FL has her insecurities based on real issues women have about their bodies being compared to beautiful porn stars or celebrities. Everything with the ML is consensual, and he asks her what she wants and stops the moment she says "stop". Very refreshing to see! Overall, a cute (but still sexy) series!