User Reviews For: My Foster Brother Feeds from My Body


The title totally put me off from reading this but I was really bored and curious so I dove right in annnnd it's not horrible! Art is really cute despite this not being about cute love. Does that make sense? No? Sorry. So I get that he's an incubus, but he's known he was in love with her for awhile and still fed off other girls aka had sex w/ them!!! And of course she's a virgin. And he's younger than her! Lol!!! But since he'd become committed to the idea that no one else can do for his feeding is pretty much where we start off here. It's got drama, but it's addictive!! They truly love each other.

Very enjoyable! I'm not usually into fantasy like this but I liked this one, it was adorable and had a great story. There wasn't as much smut as other manga - it's mostly on the sweet wholesome side