User Reviews For: My Little Brother Is a Naughty Beast-Our After-School Secret- [VertiComix]


I legitimately enjoyed this manga. It's got a very intriguing storyline, is very spicy, and makes me want to root for Hina and Sho to get a happy end. I would have rated it five, but it feels so unfinished in this format (Verticomix). It seems as if it's stalled in this format for some reason, while I did see there was more in the traditional manga. I think it needs to also be finished in glorious color. I'll happily buy if it comes out

I really like this comic. Its shows the love they have is pretty strong. Even though they've been living a siblings, they know that they are not. So to them, the attraction to each other is perfectly fine. Im all for this relationship. And also the loyalty here is amazing as well. And the art of comic is pretty good too. I really feel like this turned in to an anime/hentai at some point but I cant remember what it was called. But still pretty good read.