User Reviews For: Maybe We're Newlyweds [Plus Digital-Only Bonus]


Not quite the fake relationship trope (they don't fake being lovey-dovey in front of people, they just get legally married for the benefits), but there's still lots of delicious mutual pining. And, obviously, the "and they were roommates!" thing. Slight content warning for a side character that kind of sexually harasses a main character, but all the sex scenes are between the main pair (and consensual!). Possibly my favorite thing is when they're at the stage where they're initiating sex because it's 'rational' and toooootally what bros would do for each other. XD Has two side stories that seem related to the author's other manga (which I haven't read), but stand alone okay.

This was so funny and cute! I love the premise of these two being engineers and then misunderstanding that the other only does what is "logical" or "practical" like getting married to get a cheap apartment. I love the drawings of Yukari too he is soooo cute his crying face is so funny looking it's adorable. There are also side stories I guess from senseis other manga which I didn't read. Those were OK I loved the main story though.

They're so cute it's one of my favorites, I can read it many times and not get tired of it, is one of those good reads that you want to repeat!!! I read somewhere there's a third volume? Hope there is and they bring it here, can't get enough!!!

This is one of my favorite series on this site, I am super excited that the last volume came out! The art style is more on the sketch-type side but it's very enjoyable and funny. It makes me happy every time I read it!

Low contrast and difficult to see, the art is pretty but messy. The speech bubble placement is difficult to navigate and since both/all characters are without personality, it's difficult to tell/care who is speaking at times. The plot is flat, the writing is boring and simplistic, and the humour is a single note repeated over and over again. It isn't original and the story is two “smart” characters rationalizing…whatever convenient suggestion leads to sex. Nonsensical non-con from a secondary character to create conflict is as deep as this gets. The preview is the best part. I couldn't be bothered to try and make sense of the second and third story. It's…long. If I wanted to keep reading, this would be a selling point. Alas - no refunds.

Overall story was alright. MC was kinda annoying but I find some airheaded low self esteem characters kinda annoying. Overall, most of the characters annoyed me haha. Smut was delicious tho so there's that lol overall, would revisit