User Reviews For: Super Sweet Love Making with a Young, Aggressive, Rich Guy -I'll Get That Uptight Girl to Fall for Me!-


Meh. I feel like the story is really rushed. The sexual tension and love scenes are lacking, but it's not a bad read.

It's better than I expected but was very rushed at the end. There's a classic misunderstanding towards the end that was resolved far too quickly (if I was Rina I'd need a lot of convincing about the truth). It was good but just a little too quick. The art was okay and there was a surprising amount of smut but all in all I'd say 4 stars.

The art is really good in this and the sex scenes are not bad, but I'm a little disappointed at how, like the other reviewer said, the story was rushed. Rina was so resistant to dating and dead-set on her goal of living alone, and she gives into Yoh WAY too easily. What the heck? By chapter 3 they're all “happily ever after.” I don't really get it.