User Reviews For: [Sold by Chapter]Destined for heat :even an elite alpha has his limits!


Wow!!! 5 stars because the art is purrty. So far it's been all about her pleasure and that's actually very refreshing. The alpha is freakin hot and doesn't come across as a domineering jerk face and that's also really refreshing too!! The omega is whateves as of now, but that's par for course, no? Anywho totally digging this one and love the amount of steam each chapter has been delivering so far. Can't wait for more!!!

Never left a review before, but I had to do it for this series! Beautiful art, and great MCs. The male lead is hot and not domineering/ abusive at all. The steamy scenes are often about female pleasure, and of course, the male has to fight against his instincts (in the best way). He asks for consent and wants the relationship to be reciprocal. My favorite series right now! Side note: The series actually touches on some interesting feminist issues around r*** culture. Seriously great, thought provoking writing that I didn't expect to find in my smut<3

I love a girl who knows what she wants and goes for it, likewise if her partner is a good, encouraging boy on the street and equally nasty in the sheets. The sultry eye gazing just kills me in the best kind of way. I'm all for it and I can't wait to read more.

This is my first time reading an omegaverse manga, and man is it a great introduction! The art is fantastic, the story interesting (only 6 chaptersout as of writing this), characters seem well thought out, and the naughty scenes are hot. I love that at the end of each chapter there is a extra "study" sheet explaining parts of the omegaverse that were introduced in it.

I really love this series and how it focuses on the difficulties experienced by each attribute. The world building is well done, the characters are interesting, and the sex scenes are tantalizing. I can't wait to read more!

This is the BEST Omegaverse I've ever read! I love how the mangaka uses the Omegaverse to address discrimination. The art is great, the leads are relatable, and the smut scenes are HOT! Every time a new chapter releases, I have to buy it. I'm looking forward to more.

This is deliciously different! I immediately fell in love with the Omegaverse and the MC's. The artwork is beautiful. FINALLY a male appendage that isn't a white blob! Great story line too! Can't wait for the next chapter.