User Reviews For: A Romantic Comedy Between Two Ex-Boyfriends


Imagine being exes who are whole-heartedly still in love with each other even though it's been close to five years since breaking up. Adding onto the fact that a restaurant is run together by the two in question. This is the relationship Naoto and Tomoki share and make everyone else who works with them in the restaurant's problem.This is a romantic comedy where each chapter presents another reason why they're so horribly smitten for each other and can't cope with their emotions well either. Imagine emotional constipation and eternal longing, blend it in with, "He's literally telling us everyday how much he's still in love with you-" and you've got yourself an entertaining story that also leaves you, the reader, shaking your head at their antics. The buildup for action is absurd but also so them- They bicker one moment and then swoon the next. You just end up heaving in anticipation for each chapter update because it always escalates in second-hand embarrassment. Enjoy the ride!

Omg the cliff hanger ? they're so cute ! Worth the buy . Waiting for the next chapters