User Reviews For: Sex Domination!! -Let's Decide Who's On Top Once and For All-


This was an adorable romp of a read, with two complete goobers. I don't care that they were seniors in college, they acted like 5 year olds with their bickering and one-upmanship. It was cute though, and I was so happy with chapter 6 because it left me chuckling and satisfied knowing they have a future. I wouldn't call it a slow-burn in the traditional sense, but they take forever to admit it's more than just having fun together. This is very lighthearted overall, no TW, everything is consensual, and I wouldn't mind a follow up with them to see what their career life together would look like.

Plenty of smut and fluff. Nothing to substantial or groundbreaking, but still a nice and easygoing read!