User Reviews For: From Roommates To Bedmates In A Heartbeat -My Clingy Childhood Friend Likes It Rough-


So far so good, I've only ready 2 chapters so far, so I will say that this is moving very fast. And I'll also say that the art style is not as great as you would expect some looking at the cover (read the preview and you'll know what I mean) - I'm not saying it's bad, because I've definitely seen worse, it's just not as clean as I've gotten used to I guess (and that's me being nit-picky). Otherwise, I love the childhood friends-to-lovers trope!

This is my new favorite series. I know the childhood friend trope is so overdone, but this author just does it so well! Not only is the art fantastic, but the expressions are drawn very well and the visual storytelling moves naturally, the emotions have vibrant depictions. It's about a young woman who used to teach calligraphy to a guy much younger than her since he was a tiny child and now he's all IM NOT A BOY ANYMORE UR MY 1ST LUV YUKIIIIII lmao. The sexy stuff is V SEXXII and their relationship develops real cute. I think the guy is a young master but only 4 chapters in so who knows what could happen!!