User Reviews For: There Are Things I Can't Tell You


I've always wanted to read this but I just didn't know if this was going to be worth the $. I never should've doubted. It is! For sure emotional. It will make your heart hurt. Feelings of angst are aplenty in this story. Kyousuke and Kasumi are bffs and secretly in love with each other. They're both idiots and they're both incredibly lovable. The only frustrating part is how they wasted so many years lying to themselves. But you really understand the pressures from a rigid society believing one's sexuality to be ashamed of have prevented them from being true to their hearts. It's a beautiful story of friendship and love and has sweetness sprinkled in for good measure. But seems like a more realistic version of two men in love. Worth the $ and heartache for the sweetest HEA

This is such a realistic depiction of internalised homophbia undermining self worth and happiness. Beautifully written and hurts in all the best ways. I've read it twice already and know it will be a repeat well into the future.