User Reviews For: You'll Be My Wife


3.5 out of 5

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Catattx13 Rating
This is a very sweet and soft story, and the art really carries it far, as there isn't too much of a dramatic setup. Adanveld was a gorgeous sight to behold, and his hair gave me ENVY; just so long, so fabulous, so butterfly clip 90s, lol. Takara was full of the cliche doubts and questions, but otherwise it was a smooth read, with no struggles or emotional turmoil (for the reader). Minor dubcon to start (handy) but Adan backs off and doesn't push it until Takara asks in the end. The art is a true treat, FYI, the scenery was absolutely breathtaking. This land of Moor is a botanical paradise.
Alex Rating
I bought chapter one, but I wont be buying the rest, as the content of the first was just too creepy for my taste. The 'love interest' takes the main character to his place, where he drugs him, and takes advantage of him, sexually. The main character is confused and uncomfortable, and embarrassed that the house staff are witnessing him in this situation. I wouldn't mind if it was just written as pure kink, with the love interest made out to be the villain, but he's painted as the hero to root for, so I just find it gross. Other than that, the story seems to keep jumping from past and present tense, which I found incredibly confusing to follow. The artwork is very nice, though, and they managed to make the main character look really sexy in lingerie, which doesn't happen often, in my experience. He looks cute and feminine in it. I wouldn't recommend this series.