User Reviews For: The Monster & The Ghost


4.9 out of 5

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Leatrixrmf Rating
Given the R18 rating - I'm going to assume this takes a turn sometime in the future. Not sure if means its going to be a smutty turn or a violent one - time will tell. So far, the story follows the MC who is a high delinquent, that has been rejected by his family and society in general. After randomly preventing a woman being assaulted in an alleyway, he is followed home by a ghost - a former student from his new school. This ghost seems to be the MC's catalyst for change - revealing he has a much softer side... Keen to see where this story goes
ChappedLips Rating
The art is fucking PHENOMENAL!!!!!! Also, I love the interaction between the MCs. I have a theory for how I think (maybe more desperately hope) the story will play out cause I so badly want them to end up together safe, healthy, and happy. So possible spoiler below depending on how the story unfolds...MY THEORY: I don't think he's a ghost, as in dead. I think his body is in a comatose state and his mind(?) - maybe like astral projection - is unintentionally wandering and happened to find Tsubaki. Please let them be together. Please, Author.
Yume Rating
Chapter 9 has me regretting buying it before the next chapter comes out. ( ゚□゚) What a cliffhanger!I cannot even.This is such a great series with a fantastic relationship developing. I need to know more. I need to see how this is going to go.
Ray Rating
Ahh it's such a cute story. The art is phenomenal ??. Can't wait to see upcoming chapters!!!
Bunny Rating
Beautiful art and a sweet story. I really enjoy it. So far 5 beautiful chapters have been released and I hope to get to see more of Himemikos stunning art in the future.
Aish Rating
Desperately waiting for chapter 10. Would recommend adding it to your must read
iamshelbyy Rating
This is such a good manga, lol. >.< I have read this 8 times already!