User Reviews For: Do You Wanna Be a Top or a Bottom?


4.4 out of 5

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gloo Rating
a LOT of sexy scenes. the small bits of plot fluff are cute too, but not that many.
Mariah Rating
Not a whole lot of story in this but there's a hell of a lot of sexy scenes! So if that's what you're looking for this is for you
QTpie Rating
I really wanted to read this so I was glad Renta picked it up. The story is exactly how you see on the cover so be aware. Smut with no real story but done the right way. It's a happy three-some of best friends to lovers.
Ricelily Rating
Hot and messy with a dash of fluff. This went heavy with the thirst but I'm docking points for wanting more plot. They got really interesting characters and I want to know more about them.
ryu Rating
I read this and rlly enjoyed it. spicy but short and good story!