User Reviews For: The Boy Bride Is At The Mercy Of God [Plus Digital-Only Bonus]


This is a good middle of the road book, though overpriced for the content. Zero smut, one kiss scene. Large age gap (10+ years). Age-based/generational homophobia. I'm not 100% sure why this book is on Renta when it's easily rated PG-13. It bothered me that the author didn't bother to draw the wedding scene because it made the ending seem rushed. Even a single frame of them leaving the altar or whatever the wedding consisted of would have been nice. It was also implied more than said that the main character turned 18, as they got married, but it would have been a little more reassuring to hear it explicitly. Otherwise, the story was well-paced and the characters all had distinct personalities. It was enjoyable, though I don't know if I'd buy it again.

So sweet, so cute, zero smut. I did enjoy the story, and the how silly some of the side characters were, and it makes sense with the 17-yo that they'd refrain from smut, but that's not what I want to read.