User Reviews For: Dear My Killer Tune


First things first for anyone who cares about that: there are no explicit scenes.I really liked the characters, their personalities and the way their relationship progresses over the course of the story (very cute a lot of times). The side characters are very likable too.I absolutely loved the artstyle, which to me felt like a mix of modern and old styles (the hair & the eyes for example).I'd love to read more from this artist in the future!

If you're looking for a cute, lighthearted read to reset your mind (sometimes you need that after a yaoi/BL binge) then this is an excellent choice. The couple are adorable, the art is beautiful, and the overall story unfolds very smoothly. I read it in one night. Could not put it down! My only complaint is that I want more. But is that really a bad thing? Definitely an author I'd like to see more from.

Fantastic build-up to a happy ending. There's suspense but no angst, and a lot of gap moe!

Although there are no explicit scenes, this series really warmed my heart! Both lead characters are really wonderfully written, and as a visual kei fan myself, I particularly enjoyed this, hehe. They're not exactly visual kei, but it just reminded me of how I feel with bands I've known for half of my life, so I thought someone else would feel the same, too!

A very cute and wholesome story! If you love crybaby younger puppy tops and cool but kinda obsessive older bottoms, this one is for you!

Ugh so amazing ? all other reviewers already covered everything but I couldn't not give this 5 stars.