User Reviews For: Mr. Princess And Ms. Knight -How My Super Cute Younger Coworker Became My Boyfriend-


This a fun, cute story. First 2 chapters are very much character and back story building - but sweet all the same. No sex or kissing so far, and frankly, it doesn't need it. It follows a non-typical knight and princess story, with the roles reversed, set in a modern Japanese office environment. Really keen to read the next chapters - so hopefully not long to wait!

This is a fantastic, underrated title. There's few manga with the FMC taller than the MMC, but this features that and gives proper motivations for the characters that are reasonable or somewhat expected, even down to how they view life and how their perceptions can be unexpectedly made to change. The funniest thing is a spoiler, but does allude to the title. But is a recurring theme that isn't overused. Seriously recommended and well worth picking up. I'm not even a romance fan, but glad I gave this a chance.