User Reviews For: Beast Master's Favorite Pet


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The FL, Tsumugi, lives in a classist world where people with animal features are considered greater than humans. She, an impoverish human, lives a rough life of labor and has grown to have a cynical view of life. Yet, she frequently dreamed of another life where she was a modern woman with a beloved pet Shiba Inu, Sora, who she prioritized greater than any suitors (based). In turn, Sora protected her and loved her back... but a little dog can't do anything versus a speeding truck. Turns out, this dream was of her past life, and Sora has also reincarnated into a handsome, wealthy lord who has been searching for his former owner. Now that he has found her, he pledges to protect her in this life as well! ...Which is most efficiently done by owning her as his pet. It's actually a very cute set up since the two already dearly love each other (platonically, but clearly this can change) and I'm curious what plot is in store. Art is good, a few grammatical mistakes, but nothing jarring.