User Reviews For: Werewolf Inside/Outsider


4.5 out of 5

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EerieBarbarian Rating
The art is great. The steamy scenes are super hot. If you're looking for plot, there's a little if you squint real hard. For the price, I expected it to be hot and i was not disappointed.
KittyAsh Rating
It didn't quite give the feeling of rekindling love but more like trapped for life.
SelphieKe Rating
That last picture was so hot! The scenario was good. I wish I could have seen a whole session relating to that last picture.
Zoey Rating
Loved the way the story incorporating the classic game “Wererwolf.” I wish the relationship had developed a little more smoothly. That final steamy scene was so hot???. Wish there was an additional side story for that scene.
sparkout Rating
This series was not for me, but I'm giving it 5 stars because the story and art are still good. It's too toxic and cheerless for my tastes, but that doesn't mean it is bad. I'm sure that others will enjoy it!
Moodygummie Rating
Primal with a hint of sweetness. The balance is just astonishing. Nothing feels rushed or too slow! I love it!