User Reviews For: Mistress Bought and Paid For


Billionaire Christiano Andreotti may have everything, but he still has things that are out of his reach. Lydia Powell, a former supermodel, is in a deep trouble. She's the one that got blamed to have stolen money. Believing that she's now all alone and there's no one who can help her now, a man showed up and it's none other than Christiano! He'll help her, but she'll be her mistress! Not being able to accept her mother get arrested, she accepted to be his mistress! Does Christiano really despise her or does he still have feelings for her!? Well, back to when they were still together, she overheard Christiano talking to his friend about a bet whether he can sleep with her that night, then she ran away. Christiano believed that she cheated on her because of an article! Anyways, you'll find out what exactly happened when you read the story! It's a great story, I actually enjoyed it! Story and artwork were really great, so I rate it 5 stars! I definitely recommend it!

Really enjoyed this story because it had you all over the place. One moment you are thinking the guy is a total jerk and the girl is being harassed to the point it is criminal. Then you begin to understand that the person who created all these problems for her is her mom because she blames her for every bad thing that happens instead of moving on. It is tragic is so many ways. But then there is one person on her side when she least expects it. And there love turns a corner because it no longer is one sided. Please enjoy this story as much as i have.