User Reviews For: Powerful Persuasion


Celena Colsdon was called for an interview by Luciano Segurini, president of the largest agency in England. She was wondering why he called her, so she went to meet him. She was surprised when she met him because how did he know such personal information of Celena. She told him that it was a mistake meeting him, however, she thought about her sister's tuition, so she decided to work for him if he makes her salary triple, he accepted it. But what if it's not the work that she thought it would be? It's actually an engagement? Did Luciano chose her because she looked like her ex-lover? Anyways, you'll find the answers when you read the story! The story was great and the ending was what I expected to happen. The artwork and story were really great, so I rate it 5 stars! I definitely recommend it!

I thought this story was a very intriguing, and just pulled me from beginning to end. :D

When something seems too good to be true that is usually right. Now we have a beautiful women who has lost her mother and father and trying to put her sister through school. Then you have a handsome rich Italian man willing to pay her for a job but does not tell her what kind it is. Now that we have the setting you will find that love and family helps when the fair damsel, And the art work is well done. And the story is sweet.