User Reviews For: Maddie's Love-Child


Madeline Power's beauty captured the heart of Miles McMillan at a housewarming party that was held in Australia! Maddie is a very elegant woman, she works as an Interior Designer and also paints portrait really well while Miles is a very attractive businessman. Maddie really wants to have a baby that she will raise with all her love and won't even need the father around. Will Miles be the man she's looking for to have a baby with? Well, she already set her eyes on him the first time they met, so why not? Right? However, these two are really attracted to each other and became lovers, but they just won't admit to each other that it's love! Anyways, I really enjoyed reading their love story, I was very satisfied with the ending! So, if you want to know what exactly happened to their love story, then you must read it! It is totally a great story! The artwork was great and the story was amazing, so I rate it 5 stars! I definitely recommend it!