User Reviews For: Her Sheikh Boss


i dont know what to say about this manga other than i regretted spending 4 tickets on this manga, story is kind of boring and artwork sucks big time it was bad enough to actually put me to sleep i dont know if its because story is kind of boring or if its just artwork that made it that way i dont recommend this manga

Wow the art work was really bad the story was boring !! I highly recommend looking at the preview first so you could see the art work before you pay for it I know I learned my leason ( I really value art work when reading so it was a disappointment for me )

Interesting to see the evolution of the artwork by this well known artist who has such a distinctive style. This most be Earithen's early work becore it became more stylised. Not my favourite story but for fan's of this artist, it's well worth a look to see how her style has evolved.