User Reviews For: The Brazilian's Blackmail Bargain


Maggie who is the hero in this story is very strong perons - she paid her own way through school and trying getting away ever bad stepfather who hurts her mother and her, too. Caleb came in to her life for 1st time in bad way but Caleb isn't bad guy - he was just mislead about Maggie. Over time Caleb can start see truth behind everthing and have good romance with Maggie in the end...

Maggie and her mother were victims of terrible domestic violence for decades, but their tormentor is finally dead. Sadly, their troubles aren't yet over, especially for our lead. My heart bleeds for poor Maggie, she's tried her best to stay strong and independent, despite her horrible step-father's abuse, but she's constantly being made to suffer in this story. To get the male lead, Caleb, to return their house to her mother, Maggie accepts his deal to be his mistress for two months, but she tries to suppress her feelings and pretend to be the gold-digger he's been misled into believing she is, to preserve what little pride and dignity she has left. This ofc leads to more misunderstandings and Caleb inadvertently hurting her feelings without realising it, but he's a genuinely kind man who truly cares about her, so when he finds out the truth about her situation he's incredibly remorseful and apologetic. The ending is very cathartic and will yank at your heartstrings. My heart!! ToT

Classic Harlequin. The story was well paced and entertaining. I love the happy endings.

caleb really used wrong method to tie maggie down because of all misunderstanding. it was good that truth finally came to the light and now they are able to love each other honestly