User Reviews For: The Price of a Bride


The only reason I give this a 4 star and not a 5 star review is because it was too short. I know the average number of pages for these novels turned manga are about 130 pages give or take about 10 pages. I really enjoyed this and have gone back to re-read it over a month. I really love the artwork and the story very much. Out of the 60 mangas I have purchased since March, this is one of the ones I don't need to re-read the plot to remember it. So glad I bought this forever, it was worth the 6 tickets I paid for. I only ever buy the ones that REALLY catch my interests. I've read this at least 5 times. I hope you guys will enjoy it too. It has so much emotion coming from the main characters and I really love the chemistry between the couple. Even though they never wanted to a loveless marriage, in the end that wasn't what they got.

i couldnt believe how mia's father could be so cruel and treated mia like that. im glad the truth came out like that or mia and suzanna would have ended up sufferiing for much more longer it was good that alex look through stuff and help her to get back suzanna i really enjoyed this manga

I hate the father becuz he's selling his daughter just so he can have an heir to his company even though becuz of him she had fallen so deeply in love

i liked this story....its a bit different, i mean i wound not have thought the little sister would be her child.