User Reviews For: We'll Train You Gently -Sadistic Hunk Hotel-


Nice and short...maybe too short. BUT, if you are looking for a short read with sex then this is the one for you. Wish they would do another volume...wouldn't you?

In my quest to find good 3p+ smut on this site, this one is pretty much in the middle. The sex scene was by no means the shortest or mildest of the ones I've read, but it didn't really satisfy my 3p kink either. It was okay for one read, but I don't think it will be one in my 3p collection that I will go back to often.

Too fast paced. Felt more like reading a montage, and the art was not to my liking. Wish I could have rented to try instead of buying outright.

A quite sexy manga,with dashing-looking guys & breathtaking pervert scene..really,the girl just blindly believes the ad,huh..

Quite a bit of smut for 32 pages! I like this one. I have 2 questions. Has she basically joined the staff? Is that her new job? If you like a lot of smut, menage, (in this case, 4 way, 3 guys + girl) this is a good one to read. This is the first 4 person, reverse harem menage I've ever read.?

This is... Not great. Even if you think it may be worth picking up for the smut, I'd advise against it. Everything is rushed, what dialogue is present is corny as anything, and even things that should be sensual, like a massage, are so overdone as to be hilariously uncomfortable. I used points on this and honestly? I kind of regret it.