User Reviews For: Marriage at the Cowboy's Command


The power of a women's love and deceit mixed in. But for not having the love you want. Then understanding that when you really want that person sometimes you have let them go because you have your own journey to complete before you can be with them. I also loved the artwork at the beginning of the story. So the next time you think that first love cannot last think again because some times miracles happen.

Caitlyn's mother told a lie to her that Luke had stolen money from them then ran off, on the other hand, Luke was fired by Caitlyn's mother and told him that she was just playing around with him before getting married. Luke had to see for himself to believe, and there he saw Caitlyn hugging Robert. Time has passed and Luke has now the power to have and protect what he had lost five years ago. Anyways, it was such a sweet love story between Luke and Caitlyn. If you think that first love can never work out, then you are wrong! Read this very wonderful story and you'll see how first love can work out in the end and can live happily ever after! I totally loved and enjoyed the story! Luke, Caitlyn, and Daniel are such a cute and happy family! I also got to see one of the best couples of a harlequin manga that I have read, which was also illustrated by Marito Ai, Nico and Regina. Back to the story and artwork, both were definitely awesome, so I rate it 5 stars! I definitely recommend it!

Its sad that the couple broke up over the money and lies. Im glad they were able to overcome the obstacle and able to understand and communication with one others better, only if they have tried little harder earlier they would have been happier rather than having to endure the pain

Omg love that their first love worked out in the end after all the round about that they went through b4 the found out that they loved eachother yay