User Reviews For: Her Boss's Marriage Agenda


4.7 out of 5

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lovemekyoya Rating
I got all giggly at the love in the story but I'm at the point where I think this is not completed and I was just left hanging at the end u want to know if the two of them got married and what else happened cuz I knop is not completed as yet I'm not gonna be satisfied until it is completed........ But I love it just love it so much I read it 3 time over and over again
chicobaby04 Rating
this storyline is wonderful and touchfelt I really like this story and love how sheltered girls try to blossom out for romance stuff and all its pretty good I recommend this manga
oathbreaker1 Rating
Let me say I really liked the funny drawing the character would get in certain parts. The mom in this story sure made it hard for her daughter's love life after what she did to her daughter's future boyfriend dad. That there was comedy in this manga was awesome but truly the mom got on my nerves but i guess it was good that they both found there true love.