User Reviews For: Italian Doctor, Sleigh-Bell Bride


There is nothing like being your own worst enemy with a little help from your ex. I did enjoy this story with the setting of Christmas time and a handsome doctor it was perfect. I just felt for her because she had lost confidence in her self because of her ex husband and was afraid of starting a new relationship with a new person. This story is just so sweet and uplifting that i think every women should read who is feeling down about her self. Now sit down and enjoy your self and grab a cup of coca and add some marshmallows for a sweet story.

Omg omg omg I love it soo much especially the way he thought of her and about his proposal has so much love in it I highly recommend it to everyone and I can't begin to say how much I'm gonna read it b4 it expires for me yay love

proposal on xmas sounds romantic doesnt it? this story is very interesting and touchfelt it have me tingling all over i recommend this manga