User Reviews For: The Sheikh's Chosen Wife Hot-Blooded Husbands 1


The first story was short and uplifting. Not everyone can serve god by becoming a nun there are other ways. By finding another love and raise you children with love while loving your husband what could be better. The second story was kinda of rushed and very predictable and the ending was to be expected. I am glad every one got there happy ending but it was a little rushed.

Not one of my favorites. The stories were kind of dry in my opinion and some more story development is required before I could call this enjoyable.

theres two story in one manga, first one is interesting, vincent should have asked what happening or asks whats going on before accusing a soon to be nun for whatever just because he assumed and from his bad experience but oh well atleast they works everything out, as for 2nd story i feel its way too short though its good story i like it very much but would have liked it to be atleast 20 or more pages like normal harlequin manga

Love that I got to read to epic love stories in one and they were both so different but showed so much love in the relationships recommend it to those who like sappy love stories yay