User Reviews For: The Italian Billionaire's Secretary Mistress


Never fall for your boss cuz it doesn't always work out but this is Harlequin manga that were talking about love always works out in the end and I totally agree that I've been officially corrupted by all Harlequin manga but I love it either way and is a good this cuz love shines more in my heart from this

its never easy when u are working for a boss whom u happened to fell in love with though u knew u should not but happens anyway the boss is well jerk and arrogant i couldnt believe my eyes when i found out the dress that he got for her was meant for some other girl. but im glad they worked it out its pretty good story i recommend this story, i will admit the secretary can get pretty feisty

Let me say this the cover of this book is beautiful and well drawn. Also the story is a really well done. I like both characters one spirited lady and a male from the old days. What you say they are both very stubborn and smart and funny. Love between the boss and the secretary who just wants to be noticed. I enjoyed this story with one trying to the macho man and the women telling him to re think his attitude quick. Ah what a feisty love story love it.