User Reviews For: Yakuza in Rut Young Man for Dinner - And the One on the Chopping Board Is... Me!? -


Way to rushed. 3 stars is pushing it but giving 2 stars seems to be to harsh. It's cute in it's way but just to much to fast. Even the sex scene was rushed

I live for scenes with Grandma. Seriously. A funny little story with some stabbing and some sexiness. Plot doesn't run too deep but I enjoyed it regardless.

Wonderful and fast paced felt like a got a more for the price since it was more expensive than most. Wonderful story great characters!

Chapter 1 was straight up sexy and hilarious. The contradiction between the job of mafia boss and personality are so funny. The naive innocence of the lead...who is nothing short of an adorable. It's a bit instalove on the seme side so if you don't like that avoid this but I think its straight up adorable.

I enjoy this story so much, they are an adorable couple!Love how they first met, the way it's progressing from then 'till recent chapters is a little rushed but still enjoyable.Love everything about them, side/extra characters, grandma and the story, cute!!

This was just so sweet. The pacing went a little fast, but since it involved a not-so-hard-core yakuza being almost instantly smitten with a guy he found in a trunk and took home to feed, it was kinda perfectly adorable. The parts that were supposed to worry me definitely made me worried for the characters, but aside from that, it was like biting into fresh cotton candy: fluffy, warm, and sweet. I look forward to reading the others. :)

i love this story so cute! but i want to know more about yuzuki and kijima! the anticipation is killing me!

I personally always love the yakuza theme so I am really enjoying this story. Ryuuji's gap between yakuza boss and master chef who cares about his family is very heart warming. I wish that the actual relationship between Haruki and Ryuuji developed a little more before they got together though considering how the story started off with them meeting. The side couple's relationship seems to be developing a lot slower and they already knew each other.