User Reviews For: Captive at the Sicilian Billionaire's Command Leopardi Brothers 1


Very enjoyable. The story was a bit on the cliche side but I did like how it kept us guessing on who the josh's father is. And I kept thinking things would keep getting worse but we at least had a happy ending to look forward to. I hope they get remarried, but properly this time.

im glad rocco were able to help julie out on keeping josh, and while loving her, he should have said that in first place but hey im glad everything worked out anyway

First of all how could her family treat her so badly I guess we can't choose our relatives. Ugh forget them and I am happy that she found someone who would love her back. But it bothered me that her boyfriend hooked up with her sister and she rubbed it in her face. I know she lied about being the babies mother but I was happy that everything worked out and they found each other she deserves to be happy.

That's one harsh family she grew up in and now even the family of the man she love treats her bad Damn but I love it cuz love prevails in the end yay