User Reviews For: Expecting Royal Twins!


It is a very cute story! it started off well-paced, in the middle abit of struggles however it had a rushed ending! The main couple a forgotten princess and a handsome prince what a chemistry they have! The country Verona you think it has a peaceful history but they had struggles of their own like any other real country! I liked Izzy's character strong and reliable not your everyday cliche princess (ie she worked as a mechanic). The prince Niko what a character charismatic, loyal to his country (rarely you can find this character nowadays) and handsome. I love both of them and I know you well love them as well. It is not your typical love story! a strong-willed princess and a loyal prince! I recommend you to read it and find out for yourself :) I hope you enjoy Expecting Royal Twins (the title doesn't illustrate the story at all).

its a cute and different story than Cinderella fairytail and i love the part of her being a mechanic its really a cute story

im surprised jules were willing and accept to step down to allow izzy to marry him. would have thought she would be pissed off but oh well guess not this story is really cute and different from any other royal stories its kinda interesting