User Reviews For: Hush!


This was such a cute story! I enjoyed reading about their efforts to hide their forbidden relationship. Saya is forced to get a little pushy to get what she wants because Mr. Kinukawa is a very responsible man, and that's what makes it so appealing to me. He relents to her affections from time to time, just a little, but he wants her to succeed and gives her plenty of incentive to focus on her studies.

It was alright but it was so incredibly quick-paced that things happened and were resolved in like two panels. Too much was squeezed into it so it felt rushed and incomplete I guess. Cute concept though, and the two characters are fun!

This one really funny and cute...I like how the story flow out through the end, but wished there are more showing the main characters with a future wedding pic or kids... this is my 2nd purchase of the author Yuuki Hinase. So far I like both of them and will read rest of the author manga and hope there are more in the future.