User Reviews For: Am I... Wild?


Very engaging & frequent smut. The smut threw me off at times with the olympics of sex positions. Characters were flawed & realistic. Art is great and so was story. Ending was rather abrupt like the creator got sick of creating on that last page. Overall, I'd recommend it. I was looking forward to each chapter

The story was a rollercoaster which made it really fun. Yea, the main character was flawed but we also saw her strengths. Her choices and their cascading effects were really fun to watch. It got me really excited about reading it.The sex is there but it doesn't have that smut feel for me... but I definitely kept up for the story and art.

Did not like how MC handled the whole situation. So immature. Not communicating openly, not showing courage by talking about one's feelings. Having sex randomly like what the eff... Guy was also an idiot does not seem like they were mature at all. Art was good.

Loved this story and the art! It is a love triangle one. I'm really happy with how it ended and it didnt get boring for me. I had always looked for the next chapter.