User Reviews For: Melancholy Peach


One of my favorite types of stories! Where two people stay in love and love stories from three p.o.v's was great! I want more Like this thanks!

I love the stories in here, they're so cute fun ('Renji Jumonji...' is very funny too, I forgot to add that into my review of that title). They both got me laughing. Check this one out, I upgraded this one almost immediately. ;()

This is a cute compilation of three couples. The first couple focuses on a brand new relationship and miscommunication. The second couple is about the best friends of the first couple and again not being able to communicate properly. The third couple are childhood friends that finally get together. Each couple are adorable, but I love childhood friends to lovers so that's my favorite. Arts so so, but it's cute!!!!

Pretty enjoyable, I like how all the stories take place in the same world, with characters who all know each other. The first couple is adorable and sweet, they're both so completely devoted to each other it's too cute. The second couple are best friends of the first, they're pure comedy gold and Kenta is the most lovable pervert ever. These two couples get much more attention and development than the last one, who're pretty weak and uninteresting by comparison. The girl is annoyingly bitchy and her attempts to steal Taiyoh away from Momoka make her very unlikeable. The guy has all the personality of a rock, so I don't feel too attached to him. But as I said, the main focus is definitely the first two couples who are delightful. I just wish the smut scenes were a little more... interesting? They're short, bland and feel very lacking in every way. But the characters more than make up for it.

personally I enjoyed the 2nd & & 3rd couple more than the 1st but overall it's a wonderful romantic comedy I recommend for anyone looking for a light read

The last side story is super cute. This manga is filled with smutty goodness. Story lines are pretty good.