User Reviews For: Reluctant Relative


Wow. What a complete waste of time and money. The premise seemed interesting enough but the story was predictable in the most painful and idiotic of ways. Matt's a complete ass to Alandra from the beginning right til the very end, yet of course she still inexplicably falls for him despite his utter lack of any redeeming qualities, he never shows any kindness, is always cold and rude to her, but lavishes care and concern on everyone else. There are your typical clich辿 misunderstandings, all stemming from stupidity (she had ONE very brief phone call to her boss, what on earth made him think she had a secret lover?! Why does everyone assume he's getting back together with and marrying his ex when he has no interest in her and never once mentions her?!). The leads are never on the same page and never get along, what the heck could've lead to love? And what's with all the staring? There are so many scenes of characters in the background just standing there and staring at others creepily!