User Reviews For: Marriage-Hunting on the Stud Express -Oh! Yes!-


This starts out slow and rather ridiculous, but if you sick with it the story turns out really good. The plot was a good one, unfortunately it's poorly executed. This story need to be more than a one-shot, but the art if phenomenal and the editing team make this worth both the tokens and the read.

I'm giving this three stars for the art and for likable characters but I was kinda disappointed in the plot execution. The summary makes it sound like it's going to be more episodic, with time spent on each encounter she has, maybe there's some more turmoil, basically that's it's going to be a lot longer. Not bad for some quick smut with a side of feelings but overall, eh.

Not really sexy and the plot moves too fast. I guess I expected more but it failed to deliver

I really liked this, the art was fantastic, the smut was suitably steamy and abundant (though not very varied), and there was even a decent plot which surprised me, so it's definitely worth the points.