User Reviews For: The Virtuous Widow/Malone's Vow


The first one (THE VIRTUOUS WIDOW) was sweet, and I enjoyed it; but the second one (MALONE'S VOW) was annoying cuz the main female character was so wishy-washy!! Maybe it's cuz I just can't relate to people like that. However, I don't care for the art in either story, so it's not worth buying.

The first story was great, the second one not so much. So 5 stars for the first and 3 stars for second for an average of 4. I loved the first story. There was a bit of suspense and definitely passion between 2 complete strangers which was one reason I couldn't turn away from this story. The second one was less eventful and exciting. Honestly it just didn't have a lot of depth to satisfy my taste.