User Reviews For: You Will Become My Captive.


This is so awesome, I LOVE IT <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 I'm going to stick with this manga until it's completed, I'll wait for volume 3, and 4, and 5 too if its on-going that long, hahaha XD anyway, the guy hot and there's a lot smutty scenes, but the only thing that I disagree with is that the main female might like the guy in this and her friend had sex with him and also likes him, but like the main female character in this knows its not right, but this guy lol he doesn't care lol, I hope he learns to consider the other girl's feelings, grrr these cheaters, these hoes ain't loyal lol but then -SPOILER ALERT- he's not human, he's like some type of clone so that explains it, but either way, I love drama and I love this plot, it's also funny. <3 <3 <3 also I'm waiting for the manga "Staying up with papa until morning" to be completeled, can't for volume 12 and the other volumes, I'm also sticking with that until it ends, so trust me, I give five stars to manga that are AWESOME!!!

I liked it! It has an interesting plot line so far, I really want to see how it will develop. Sadly, at the moment, only the first volume is available... I would really like to see more of these!

This review is for all 6 chapters. There will/ may be spoilers so read at your own discretion.So think of this as Absolute Boyfriend, for those that have read it or at least know what it is, but with all of the missing sex scenes!!!Instead of a robot there is a clone of a, shut in otaku?, scientist and the clone is hot. It does jump straight into foreplay towards the end of the first chapter/book which wasn't bad but felt a bit rushed. There are also a bit of conflicting feeling on the main characters pov which can be a bit confusing to understand if you are person that can get obsorbed in the characters. The over all story was good but a bit rushed on its delivary. Over all I would recommend. The art style is super cute and simple!

This is one of the first stories I bought, and I loved it!! It was sweet seeing them discover love together. I would definitely recommend this to others.

Was a good manga. Not many episodes, but i don't think it needed that many for it to be a good read.

this series is really annoying but i like it. The main guy is hot but i dont like how he's cheating on the girls.