User Reviews For: Pretty Guys


Guy who loves cute things x boyish cute boy? The duo sounds straighforward, but in reality it was a lot of ups and downs. Juunosuke is the protagonist to this story and gets interested in Yayoi throughout their interactions. The humor in this is more of a slapstick sense and also builds up drama and ends with a punchline for most situations. I honestly liked Junn's perseverance and character development, he went from the cute kid who wants to be strong for Yayoi to a more mature and confident guy who took his own feelings into consideration. This one's a decent story, I recommend renting it rather than purchasing because the price for this one is a bit more steep than most other manga. I did laugh a lot with it because of how over the top some things were. Most of the cast was fun too! Everyone just put up with the ridiculousness going on and it made some scenes even more funnier haha